TDS3VID Extended Video Editing Module - Adds Video QuickMenu, autoset, holdoff, line count trigger, video picture mode, vectorscope mode, HDTV format triggering graticules and more.
Adds new video picture with on-screen line select, vectorscope with 100% and 75% color bars, analog HDTV triggering (1080I, 1080p, 720p, 480p) and analog HDTV vectorscope with 100% and 75% color bars.
These new features are in addition to the original features consisting of line count triggering, custom video line rates, readout in mV or IRE units and a 75-ohm terminator.
The module also provides for the standard video triggering on all lines, all fields, odd or even fields for NTSC, SECAM, and PAL video signals.