The Tektronix TDS3012 oscilloscope is a graph-displaying device – it draws a graph of an electrical signal. In most applications, the graph shows how signals change over time: the vertical (Y) axis represents voltage and the horizontal (X) axis represents time. The intensity or brightness of the display is sometimes called the Z axis.
The Tektronix TDS3012 oscilloscope's simple graph can tell you many things about a signal, such as: the time and voltage values of a signal, the frequency of an oscillating signal, the “moving parts” of a circuit represented by the signal, the frequency with which a particular portion of the signal is occurring relative to, other portions, whether or not a malfunctioning component is distorting the signal, how much of a signal is direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC) and how much of the signal is noise and whether the noise is changing with time.
Automatic Waveform Measurements - Period, Frequency, Positive Width, Negative Width
Rise-time, Fall-time, Positive Duty Cycle, Negative Duty Cycle, Positive Overshoot, Negative Overshoot
High, Low, Max, Min, P-P, Amplitude, Mean, Cycle Mean, RMS, Cycle RMS, Burst Width
Display any four measurements from any combination of waveforms
Centronics Port Standard on all Models for Quick, Convenient Hardcopies
Telecommunications Mask Testing (TMT)
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for Frequency and Harmonic Analysis Standard on 4 Channel Models
Extended Video Application Module
Support for Active Probes, Differential Probes and Current Probes that Provide Automatic Scaling and Units