With ever-evolving technologies and standards in electronics, preparing electrical engineering students for tomorrow is not easy. Tektronix has developed the Educator's Resource Kit to help you prepare your lab curriculum with the latest standards and techniques for test and measurement. The comprehensive set of six laboratories cover key topics from Introduction to Oscilloscopes to Advanced Oscilloscope Features and Debugging a Digital Design. The Kit includes labs with accompanying instructor's guides, reference fact sheets for students and a training board to provide real-world signals during the labs. The Laboratory materials cover the following topics:
- Introduction to Oscilloscopes, Oscilloscope Probes
- Advanced Oscilloscope Features
- Introduction to Arbitrary/Function Generators
- Digital Debug with Oscilloscopes
- Parallel and Serial Bus Analysis
All materials are based on the feature-rich MSO2000 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscope. An AFG3000 Series instrument is also required for Introduction to Arbitrary/Function Generators lab.
All instructional materials are provided in both .pdf format and an editable format (either Word document or PowerPoint file). The copyright grants permission to reprint, modify, and distribute in whole or in part for the purpose of training students on Tektronix test instrumentation.