Only available with the N5250A Millimeter-Wave PNA Series vector network analyzer system (10 MHz to 110 GHz). Note: The standard N5250A has a 25 dB micrometer attenuator on port 1 Option 017 adds 67 GHz bias-tees to the combiner assembly between the input to the combiner and the 67 GHz coupler. The bias-tees have tri-axial connectors for force, sense, and ground. Positioning the bias tees close to the DUT greatly improves stability for on-wafer and in-fixture devices. Option 018, also adds 67 GHz bias-tees to the combiner assembly between the input to the combiner and the 67 GHz coupler. In addition, Option 018 adds a 25 dB micrometer attenuator to the port 2 test head, allowing you to control the power into the port 2 side of your device.